Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Silent Hill: Revelation and the Love of Adaptation.

This makes the second time in as many months where I attended a movie with less than ten people.  I'm beginning to think I have awful taste.

The first was Dredd 3-D that while awesome became a box office bomb here in the U.S.  The verdict is still out on Silent Hill: Revelations as it just opened this week.  And while not as good as the first one--it's weakened by a slightly more exposition heavy script--it's still an awesome representation of the source material.

If you look at this trailer and this writeup and interview something very cool comes through that overshadows perceived weaknesses in the adaptation.  There is a love of the source material here and all that love is up there on the screen.

This sequel and it's predecessor are on that shortlist of best video game adaptations but more than that, these filmmakers managed to create the movie I wanted to see from this material.  Directors Christopher Gans and Michael J. Bennet managed to recreate the experience inside my head as I was navigating my digital avatar around the fog shrouded town of Silent Hill.

That's the best kind of adaptation there is.